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Centennial Touch Football Games


April 8, 2017 @ 9:00 AM EST


Add to Calendar 2017-04-08 09:00:00 2017-04-09 21:00:00 America/New_York Centennial Touch Football Games Touch football games will be held across Massachusetts in recognition of President Kennedy’s love of the sport and commitment to physical fitness as exemplified through legislation he signed enacting the Presidential Physical Fitness Initiative. Massachusetts Massachusetts

A lesser-known aspect of President Kennedy's legacy is his commitment to physical fitness, which manifested in a number of new programs during his administration to help keep Americans healthy. In honor of our 35th President, and with a nod to the Kennedy family's well-documented love of touch football, we are coordinating 35 touch football games during the April 8-9 weekend.

These games will be held in Massachusetts and beyond.  While we have several teams signed up, there is still opportunity to get involved.

What is involved?

  • Organize a group of up to ten players who can be available at a common time on April 8-9.
  • Reserve a field where your team can play in your community, or gather in someone’s backyard! Reach out to the individuals and sign them up.
  • Share your game with your social media networks

What the Kennedy Library Foundation will offer?

  • Set of rules
  • Link to photo and video of President Kennedy playing touch football that can be shared with your team members and your social media network
  • Social media support
  • Invitation to all team members to special Kennedy Centennial birthday events during May 25-29, 2017 weekend.
  • Staff to be able to answer questions.

Click on the register button at the left to sign up your team, and the Kennedy Library Foundation will send rules and information to help you get started planning your touch football game. Please contact for additional information.